New Year, New Opportunities

The new year is coming, for so many of us, that means a new resolve to do better, be better, make a change. Maybe New Year’s Resolutions are not your thing, but constant growth and evolution should be. The concept is the same. The problem with change is that it is hard. It takes time. It takes commitment and dedication. It takes baby steps.  

That is the ticket to any change. Small, consistent steps.  

I want you to be successful. I want to see you reach your goals and become the best version of yourself that you can be. So how can you do that? First of all, your goal/resolution has to be specific. “Lose weight” isn’t enough. “Eat healthily” isn’t enough. “Pray more” isn’t enough. “Be happier” isn’t enough. All of these ideas are good, but your resolution needs to have a bit more of a step-by-step process to be truly successful. Did you know that less than 10% of the resolutions made...

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Self-Care is a Gift

Self-Care: the best gift in 2020. In fact, it's the gift that keeps on giving. I’m not talking about your “Jelly of the month membership” from your boss,  or that great vacuum you got last year. You see, no matter if you’re gifting it to someone else, or someone else is gifting it to you, self-care is a pay-it-forward type of gift.  

Self-care looks different for everyone. Understanding what works for you may be a journey and it might certainly change as often as the weather. The important part is that you find your tools for self-care. The things you can do every day to fill your cup. Once you’ve found those, you’re unstoppable. Yes, self-care often means you have to stop running around like a chicken with its head cut off, but it doesn’t mean that you are less productive.  

Here’s how self-care works in your favor. Think...

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How Well Do You Know Yourself?

How well do you know yourself? Seriously. Not just that you like pickles and hate spinach. Or that you know you’d prefer a fuzzy sweater over a fancy dress. But the real stuff. Do you know what type of support you need when you’re feeling overwhelmed? Do you understand how you react when you’re stressed out? Are you aware of your strengths? Do you know how to listen to the signals in your body? Are you even aware of your own body?  


You see, each of those things is a part of what makes you, you. But so often we are unaware of those things. So often we just do whatever it takes to get through the day and overlook everything else. We ignore our bodies, we ignore our preferences, and we certainly don’t take time to honor the signals it is providing us.  


Coming into the holiday season it is so important to make sure you’re staying grounded, protecting your space, and taking time for self-care. Most importantly, listen to...

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Why learn Purely You?

Why is it so important to learn who Purely You is? Why does it even matter? You’re getting by just fine in this life, right? Sure, you may be tired, overwhelmed, and exhausted. You might snap at your kids or your partner once in a while. You might show up to work and give less than your best. But it’s no big deal, everyone does it, right? This is what we call, “adulting.” This is why they say it’s hard.
I’m about to tell you something that you may have never heard before.
Your life doesn’t have to look that way. You don’t have to be overwhelmed and exhausted. You don’t have to be short-tempered and snappy. You don’t have to be mediocre. You just have to learn how to care for yourself and become the best version of yourself that you can be. It starts with setting new boundaries, self-discovery, and a few (or a lot) of changes in your daily routines. It’s not an easy transition, especially if you’ve been living...

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Crisis Management

Are you prepared for a crisis? I’m sure you are. You have smoke detectors and a fire extinguisher in your house. You have a spare tire in your vehicle. You have a little bit of money in your savings account. You have some extra canned goods in the pantry. You have a candle and flashlights in case the power goes out. You have Band-Aids in the cupboard for scraped knees and owies. You have snacks in your purse for the child that is starving. You even have a stash of greeting cards, just in case, there’s a last-minute need for some well-wishes. You are prepared for anything that comes your way. As long as it has nothing to do with you.

Wait, what?

Hang with me a minute... you have a spare tire for the vehicle. You have a fire extinguisher for the house. You have snacks for your kids. But what do you have for you? What happens when you’re the one in crisis? What happens when you’re the one that needs the extra attention? Most of the time, nothing happens. You...

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Respect and Boundaries

We talked all about protecting your space, and we’ve talked about releasing your burdens, but what about respect? I had a teacher in high school who was deeply respected. Although he was a great teacher, his respect came from the expectation he set in his classroom, not because our 16, 17, and 18-year-old selves noticed how great he was. You always referred to him as Mr. Dare, never just coach or by his last name. You were never late for his class. You didn’t break his rules. He expected excellence from you, no matter your reputation. And so he got it.  

You can do the same in your life. We often allow the disrespect that comes our way. Maybe not the first offense, but from the ones that continue to treat us poorly. Most behavior is learned behavior, right? So, if my child colors on the walls and there is no punishment, she doesn’t learn to take responsibility for her actions and will most likely color on the walls again. She...

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Don't Should On Yourself

One of my favorite expressions is “don’t should on yourself.” As Americans, male and female alike, we have this idea of what should be happening in our lives every day. We don’t all have the same ideals, thank goodness, but each of us carries this thought process of what “should be” happening. A while back we talked about mom-shame and keeping up with the Jones’, but let's talk about self-shame a bit. The only thing you should ever do is honor your body, mind, and soul. Everything else is either something that you have been taught or a societal norm you are trying to fit. Think about it... “I should vacuum once a week.” Says who? Where in the world is that rule written? Unless you love to vacuum and it makes your heart happy to see vacuum lines on the floor, this “I should” idea was taught. Please note, I am not telling anyone to abandon all responsibility and all obligation from their lives. This...

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Practice What I Preach

Someone asked me recently how I continue to “have it all together” despite everything going on in the world. My answer: I don’t. 

Today, I’m going to be real with you... the last few months have been HARD. A downright challenge. Hospital life is crazy, home life is crazy, and supporting Purely You Healing through it all has also been crazy. I lost an uncle. I rescheduled my wedding. The fear, the politics, the resentment in society; it has all been weighing heavy on me. In the last few weeks, I have had to step back and practice what I preach. It was time to rest. Time to honor my body and nourish my soul. I stepped back from the hustle and grind. I took breaks from social media and the news. I rested often. I walked a lot. I drank all the water and ate more salad and more chocolate-balance is key. And I set different boundaries. I reminded my friends, family, and clients that I needed time to decompress. Working hours are for working and all the other...

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Who is on your Wellness Team?

Do you have a TEAM of people helping you to be your best self? Not just the receptionist, nurse, and doctor at your OB/GYN office, but a group of people who are working with every facet of your body, mind, and soul to help you heal, grow, and become the best version of yourself you can be? You are a multifaceted human, which means you need a multifaceted group of individuals caring for you. Think about your group of friends. Do you have a friend you call when you need to talk about parenting and a different one when you need to discuss your faith, and maybe a third one to talk about your work drama? The reason you call on different individuals for different problems is that you need their particular version of expertise to get you through that moment.  

You need a team of practitioners to get you through each ailment as well. You need a multitude of modalities in your space to keep you at your absolute best.  

Keep your primary care provider visits. Get your...

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Protect Your Space

Purely You Healing
Protect Your Space

Do you ever feel like the people you're around just flat out suck the life out of you? After even just a few minutes around that person, you are exhausted, worn out, and maybe even in a bad mood? 

Maybe you notice it more when you spend time around someone who is crabby, and it makes you crabby. They say misery loves company and it sure seems to pull you in.

Both of these instances are examples of people changing your vibration. They either take your power and steal your light, leaving your cup empty OR you lower your vibration to match theirs. Neither of which feels very good. It is REALLY a bummer when you were in a great mood that morning, or you want to enjoy your kid's soccer game but that Mom is just taking all the fun out of it for you. Listen, someone else's rain doesn't have to fall on your parade. Now, I know you don't go out asking for such things to happen, but they seem to anyway. So HOW ON EARTH do you prevent this?! 

First and foremost, you must...

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75% Complete

Here's my 5 easy steps to become Purely You!

Don't miss a thing! 

Continue to learn and grow through Purely You Healing!